Katelen Jennings
Welcome to my portfolio. I am an experienced graphics designer passionate about creating visually appealing and effective designs. I specialize in creating logos, designing and refurbishing brand identities, and creating custom illustrations. Let me help you bring your brand to life!
Brand Identity
Let's create a solid foundation for your new company, or rework an existing brand through color, typography, and logos.
Logo Design
Develop logos that sing of history, hard work, and personal connections that can comfort or excite the masses.
Pencils, paints, laser etching, and screen printing are just a few physical media I like to play with.
Featured Works
  • Character Reimage
  • Logo Creation
  • Poster Design
  • Event Products
  • Brand Identity
  • Stationery
  • Environmental Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Stationery
  • Garment Design
  • Brand Identity
  • Stationery
I'm always happy to receive new projects.
Please leave me a message.
Phone: 210.862.3874
Email: katelen.jenn@gmail.com